My name is Francine Kay
Hi! Thanks for visiting FuzzyFluidArt, and I'm Francine. I am a writer, an artist, a drug development scientist (a chemist, to be exact), a foodie and amateur cook, a dog lover, music enthusiast, an Anglophile (especially all things Welsh!) and an unabashed lover of Arthuriana (mostly of the Welsh variety). My husband also likes to say I am a repository of arcane and useless knowledge, which has very little use in the real world, but is tops when it comes to trivia.
I discovered fluid art by accident. I was on Facebook when a video popped up (it was one of those videos that FB thinks you'll enjoy). I distinctly remember it was a video by Olga Soby, a fantastic Ukrainian fluid artist based in Canada, showing how she did one of her dancing flows. I was entranced. I re-watched the video a few times, not quite understanding what it was I was seeing. That led me down a rabbit hole: I started watching more of her videos on YouTube, then started googling other fluid artists. Pretty soon, I was spending hours watching fluid artists like Olga, Molly Leach of Molly's Artistry, Rinske Douna, and Fiona of Fiona's Art. I took the time to watch and learn, taking down copious notes, all the while asking myself "Is this something you'd like to try? It seems doable..."
Yes, it was definitely something I wanted to try. It took awhile for me get to that decision, but once I did, there was no turning back. As many others have found with this art form, I very quickly became addicted. These days, I spend most afternoons either painting or prepping for painting. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are weeks where I spend three to four days just mixing paint in preparation for painting. And while I am still learning and expanding my skills in the fluid art arena, I have found this entire experience extremely fulfilling and therapeutic. I am very thankful I found fluid art when I did. In a way, it has been a life saver.